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Asking Woman On a First Date

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Jason James
Get the Timing Right When Asking a Woman Out on a First Date

Timing is very crucial when asking a woman out for the first time. You have to make a good first impression to win her heart.

First impressions last. This old adage is especially true for dating relationship tips, especially when asking a woman out on a first date. You can make or break your chance depending on the manner in which you ask and even the clothes you’re wearing. Timing is also important when asking a woman out for the first time. Follow these dating relationship tips to make sure you get your timing right when asking a woman out on a first date.

1. Always make sure she’s alone when asking her out. As much as possible, avoid asking a woman out when she’s with friends or surrounded by a group of people. Many dating relationship tips suggest that the perfect time to ask her out is if she’s by herself. A woman might feel like she has to put up a front when she’s with friends or with other people. This might make her reject your overtures, not because she doesn’t want to go out with you, but because she feels like she has to turn you down to seem cool or confident to her friends. Also, if she’s alone, you won’t have to be embarrassed in front of her friends.

2. Never ask a woman out if she just came out of a relationship. This is a very big no-no. A lot of dating relationship tips frown upon men who take advantage of a woman’s vulnerability. She might accept your offer but you don’t want to be her rebound, now, do you? Women who have just ended a relationship need time and space to heal before they start to date again.

3. Get to know a woman first before asking her out. Approaching a stranger and asking her out may seem romantic but this only works out in the movies. Important dating relationship tips advise that women become more open to the acceptance of a date once they are more comfortable with you. Also, if you approach a stranger and ask her out, she might think you’re a creep or a stalker! Some dating relationship tips suggest that you save the romantic dates for later and try to get to know a woman better first. This way, you also allow her to get to know you better and to build up her interest in you.

3. It’s best to ask a woman out during a weeknight. It’s better to have a first date during a weeknight, when bars aren’t crowded and she won’t be that busy. Some dating relationship tips emphasize asking a woman out for the first time on a weeknight because she might already have made plans for the weekend. This gives her less reason to turn you down.

It takes guts, confidence and perfect timing to be sure a woman goes out with you when you ask her for the first time. Follow the easy dating relationship tips above to make sure you get the girl.

Jason James

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