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Dating Turn Offs for Women

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Jason James
Dating turn offs for women and how to avoid them

To succeed in the dating game you need to be aware of dating turn offs for women; these turn offs could making dating women an uphill struggle if you ignore them

So you managed to get a date and feel enthusiastic about the possibility of beginning a new sexual relationship. That’s great but there are a few things you should know if you want this date to lead to anything more serious. You need to arrive prepared to impress your love interest, and to successfully manage this you should be aware of potential pitfalls. Here are some of the most common dating turn offs for women.

When it comes to mistakes that men make on their first date, the most common is probably talking too much about themselves; this really is one of the big dating turn offs for women. If all you can talk about is you then what sort of signal is that sending to your date; how will there possibly be room for them in your life when you appear so self-obsessed? This behaviour will make you sound like a bore and have your date counting the seconds until she can escape your natter. During your date at least try and sound interested in the person across the table from you, and try and avoid doing most of the talking.

If you neglect your appearance then this too will act as one of the dating turn offs for women. Remember that at your first date you are trying to promote and sell yourself; you don’t have to dress as you would for a business meeting, but you should look smart. Take time to make sure that you are clean before arriving. Remove any dirt from under your fingernails as women tend not to like this. Make sure your breath, clothes, and body all smell fresh, and don’t overdo it with the aftershave. Wear clothes that will make you feel good about yourself, but also show here that you respect yourself.

When going on a date you should treat it like an interview and set out to demonstrate all your good qualities. You want to keep your date interested and willing to see you again; do not see this as an opportunity to talk about everything in your life, but only enough to get you that second date. If you do manage to impress and avoid the dating turn offs for women then you are well on your way to a new relationship.

Yet another of the big dating turn offs for women is men who are just too negative about everything. Avoid complaining about life and about other people, and don’t use negative stereotypes as this can really offend some people. Try and be positive and upbeat about your life; few women will want to begin a relationship with you if it sounds like your life is about to go down the tubes. Remember, you are trying to sell yourself here. There will be plenty of time to talk about all that is wrong with your life after you start a relationship.

Jason James

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