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1. Go online.

It is now well established that online dating sites are a regular part of meeting people with like interests. Find a dating site that appeals to you and create a profile. You can either look through the women already on the site according to mutual interests or you can wait for women to find you.When uploading a profile, look approachable and neat. Wear clothes, too––naked bodies, no matter how buff, are not the way to go when online.

Avoid lying. If you're older and less fit than you'd like to be, don't cover this up. Your potential date won't hang around if she comes face-to-face with your untruths upon meeting you.

If you do get nibbles, reply promptly, so as not to cause the women to think you're lazy or uninterested.

Be open-minded to all those interested in you. If you put an age-range or any other restrictive ranges into your wishlist, you could miss out on women who might be slightly outside those expectations but are ideal for you. It also sounds really bossy and perfectionist to list restrictive preferences and will scare off many women even if they fall within your restrictions.

2. Ask your friends.

Friends, both male and female, are a good place to begin when you're seeking to meet someone new. Your friends will know of single women who are looking for a chance to date--from sisters and work colleagues to friends from hobbies or sports they pursue.

Organize, or have your friends organize, a party or dinner event at which the two of you can meet.

Consider a blind date with this person.

Be sure to ask your friend about why he or she thinks this woman might be compatible with you. It will help you to come up with topics of conversation before you meet.

3. Try an introduction agency.

If the thought of going online seems a tad too exposing or impersonal to you, you might prefer to try an introduction agency, where the agents do all the work of matching and arranging introductions for you. Many online sites operate as both, so check the details when looking at the website, as you might get the chance to try both ways.

4. Consider women at your workplace.

It's up to you whether workplace romances are taboo or not; in some cases, company policy prevents anything of the sort. But where this isn't an issue, there are both good and bad reasons to date someone from work.

On the plus side, many women at work will likely have similar interests, schedules and availability. What's more, you don't have to go trawling through bars and clubs to meet them.

On the downside, breakups after a relationship can impact work badly, office gossip can be difficult and charges of favoritism can be rife.

There are ways of handling all the challenges though, so if you do like someone at work, perhaps it's worth the effort.

Never harass a woman. Workplace procedures are in place to deal with any element of sleaziness, inappropriate touching or comments, etc. for good reason. Make sure she won't misinterpret your intentions by being open, clear and caring. Avoid using dirty language or innuendos.

Leave alone any idea of having an affair or dating a woman who is going through a divorce.

Keep personal communications personal. Don't use the workplace email to serenade her. Use your personal email addresses or speak to her directly instead.

Your IT team can recall anything from work emails, so if you do use them, be careful and never send anything that couldn't be shared with everyone else in the office.

Think really hard before attempting to date a boss, manager or supervisor. Charges of favoritism will be all too easy to lay against you and the imbalance in power at work may also influence an imbalance of power in your personal relationship, which isn't healthy for either of you.

5. Go where the singles hang out on purpose.

There are plenty of opportunities for meeting single women in a city, town or similar environment. Some examples include:

Clubs, nightclubs, bars/sports bars and restaurants

Be wary of noisy dance clubs, as conversation opportunities are very limited and if you do hook up before talking, you may discover she's night and you're day when you finally do get to talk

Speed dating events

Singles parties

Hobby or sports events that end with a party or get-together

Dinner parties, dinner events, tasting events (wine, chocolate, anything else sensual)

A singles cruise or other specially organized singles event that is a bit more out of the ordinary.

6. Attend a class or a course.

If you're passionate about something, from sailing to food art, you might find equally passionately driven women by joining a class or course focused on that very topic. You'll certainly have lots to talk about together.Hit the gym. Not only will you reap the benefits of fitness, but often classes are full of--you got it: mostly women.

If you happen to be one of only a few men––or the only man––at the course or class, you'll be considered somewhat special!

7. Be aware of your surroundings.

Life itself presents many opportunities to meet women––if you're open to the possibilities.

For example, standing in the supermarket queue, try striking up a conversation with the women alongside you who has attracted your attention for all the right reasons.

Catch a woman's eye while commuting home on public transportation and make an amusing comment about something relevant, then introduce yourself.

Daily places where conversations might be possible with women include the laundromat, waiting at a bus stop, shopping (including saying hi to the shop assistant you fancy so much), working out at the gym, walking your dog, clearing up your front yard as she passes by, the library, the video store (you already know her taste in movies), large outdoor events and pursuing recreational/sporting activities.

Church and community group events can also bring you into contact with women who have the same set of beliefs and values that you do. There are bound to be many opportunities that come up through such institutions from your regular attendance.

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