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Zodiac marks
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Take to the Water
CANCER, the fourth sign of the zodiac marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. It is cardinal water sign, and those governed by this sign are generally active and strong. If you are a Cancer subject here are few tips to maintain good health. You are a study in contradictions. One day you are eager, energetic, the next you are quiet and withdrawn. You are fond of eating: you may be an experienced cook yourself. After thoroughly indulging yourself, you tend to go on a crash diet to maintain the balance. You crave for food that is comforting and filling as well. Rice seems to be a must in your diet. Those of you with a taste for alcohol drink like fish. You don’t believe in small doses as far as eating and drinking are concerned. It has been observed that most Cancerians keep in poor health during childhood, becoming strong and healthy, as they grow older. As the zodiac sign Cancer governs the chest and stomach, these are the most vulnerable parts of your body. Due to overeating, or drinking habits, you are likely to develop a paunch by the time you reach 40. You have not only to guard against an increase in your waistline, but you have to take care of both the pulmonary and the digestive systems. Female Cancerians are known for going on emotional binges. An unhappy love affair is usually followed by an increase in weight. Swimming is a good exercise for you. Most of you become lethargic in your late 30s and give up all exercise. Those who take to yoga may succeed in keeping their body in shape. Since your ruling planet is the Moon, you are prone to suffer from spells of depression. Worrying could be the chief cause of all your ailments. If you can control your mind you’ll be able to control your body. Many of you are likely to be vegetarians. Those who believe vegetarians have a lesser range of delicacies should take a few tips from Cancerians. You relish dairy products. In spite of your weak constitution, you can easily digest milk and cheese. Fresh fruits are your weakness. Try to avoid bananas or dry fruit in your diet. You are so fond of eating that you will actually take the trouble of finding places that serves the best food in town. For you, the best outing is not complete if it doesn’t include a good appetizing meal. For that matter, holidays are always looked forward to as days of feasting. You cannot be considered much of an outdoor person. You may be active and love to travel but your basic interest is in a hearty meal and a good night’s sleep. Those of you, who are “lucky” enough to achieve financial security, project a picture of perfect calm and contentment. Avoid heavy foods, alcoholic drinks and stimulants. Try to have an occasional liquid diet to shrink the stomach. Stay off sweets. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Add a little physical exercise to your daily routine and you’ll remain healthy and fit.
Put your Heart to It
LEO is the second of the fiery trinity, the other two being Aries and Sagittarius. This makes Leo subjects energetic, aggressive, and sometimes high-strung. You lead an active life, which keeps you slim and trim. Since Leo governs the heart, you have to be extra cautious as far as your weight is concerned. Leo always rules the spinal column, dorsal vertebrae and the aorta, and this sign generally influences the bones in our body. Consequently, heart disease, spinal meningitis, etc. could afflict Leo. But it has been observed that your disciplined work schedule and regular eating habits give you an inborn immunity to these diseases. Nevertheless you have to be on constant guard and not fall into a sedentary life-style. In your eating habits it has been noticed that you are more impressed by the company and surroundings than with the food itself. You enjoy having company to dinner. Even when out on work you invariably invite a colleague or an associate to join you for lunch. You are fond of soups and syrups. Your body mechanism is such that you use up energy very fast consequently requiring frequent intake of food. You feel the need to drink lots of water during the day, especially during summer. You should make it a habit to take seven to ten glasses of water every day. Since you eat sparingly you are rarely fat. But bear in mind that since you burn your energy too fast you should never skip meals. You also have a tendency to eat too fast. Hot spicy food is likely to ruin your constitution.In good company and peaceful surroundings you generally eat well. So you must try to have a harmonious environment at home. Keep your life at an even pace; avoid unnecessary worries. Women born under this sign are very energetic. You have the strength and stamina of an athlete. In contrast to Leo males, you have a great appetite and you really like to indulge yourself. Take regular exercise, ---- swimming and yoga is good. Leos should avoid smoking if possible. Drink only in moderation, for alcohol can affect your digestive system. Keep your environment tension free. Fresh air in the morning is must for you. Make it a habit to rise early and go for a morning walk. Eat a hearty breakfast, but don’t eat eggs regularly. Milk or buttermilk, at the breakfast time will be ideal. For lunch have something light. Keep down the calories but get lots of proteins. Have light refreshment at teatime. Even if you work late, have a proper meal. You can follow it up with fruits and creams. In this regards you are “lucky” for you can really satisfy your taste for good food without it having any ill effects on your health. Only keep in mind you don’t grow over weight. Your blood pressure must remain normal for it is connected with the heart (ruled by your sign).
Health-Freaks Aren't You?
NEXT to Cancerians, Virgoans are the most health conscious people ---- not that it stops them from putting on weight, which they do as fast as Cancerians. And this they do despite being extremely cautious in their eating habit. Actually, you are the type who can discuss diet and nutrition in depth. Quite a few of you take up a career in hotel management or catering. Others who follow different profession, some time or the other are found managing the kitchen or eating arrangements at parties and social get-togethers. It is believed that if a Virgoan is looking after food arrangement you can be assured not only of a good supply of eatables, but of a healthy diet.
Your approach to food is quite businesslike. Food means nutrition to you. Quite a few of you are vegetarians by choice. You must have learnt somewhere that rich, non-vegetarian food can in the long run play havoc with your system. But you make sure to balance it by eating dairy products, fruits, cereals, and green vegetables. What tastes good to you is what is natural and simple --- the less the cooking, the better. You are not particularly fond of ‘exotic’ delicacies. You will wrinkle your nose at an elaborately prepared dish to prove it has no value. What is important to you is simple food, rich in protein. You may be prone to go on crash diet sometime. It has been observed that your work is sedentary and you tend to suffer due to lack of exercise. Your ruling planet being Mercury, you have a tendency towards nervousness.
Eating yourself Sick
You can invite much intestinal trouble from tension, since Virgo governs intestines. Though you are normally a temperate person and lead a balanced life, you occasionally over-indulge yourself and thereby suffer the consequences. You generally never fall sick, but whenever you do it is invariably due to over-eating. You are prone to suffer from dysentery, typhoid, and gallstone. Your weak points are your nervous system and stomach. You over react to situations, which could cause hypertension. Try to stay clam and collected. Those who have Virgo afflicted in their birth chart are short-tempered, irritable and discontented. Those Virgoans given to emotional troubles are generally overweight and fat. You need to control your mind as much as you need to control your diet. It is a bit surprising though to see a Virgo born suffer from weight problems. Because you are unusually health and diet conscious, you are rarely fat. You need plenty of rest in quite surroundings. You must have a lot of exercise more so if you are living in an urban environment. Be particular about taking holidays. You have a tendency to get so involved with your work that you seldom find time to take leave. Women born under this sign generally lead a very active life, but only until they are 40. Thereafter they like to settle down to household activities. With the result they tend to put on weight. Virgoans even when suffering from minor illness likes to exaggerate their troubles. You are prone to minor injuries. Any complaint in the abdomen should be attended to immediately. You can easily develop colitis. Don’t overdo your concern for food. Too much protein and calcium can have adverse effects on your health. You normally like to devote ample time to your morning constitutional.
Have a good breakfast. Don’t eat fried stuff in the morning. Have a light lunch; abstain from nibbling in between meals. A protein rich dinner will suit you best. Avoid frequent late nights.
Watch that Sweet Tooth
Librans love all good things that life has to offer. Though your zodiac symbol is the scales, you are hardly known to have a ‘balanced’ diet. Your health is moderately good. You tend to believe yourself to be strong and energetic, but are actually of very delicate constitution, with low resistance to infectious diseases. The nerves, kidneys, and emotional channels are governed by Libra and should therefore be given special attention. This sign also rules the lower abdomen, and the sexual organs in the case of females. Female Librans could suffer from gynaec complaints due to an irregular menstrual cycle. You are highly sensitive and if you let your emotions prevail it will surely throw your system off balance causing serious health problems. It is known fact Librans love good food, and what’s more they are ready to try the unusual. Your library is sure to stock the best of cookbooks. And you are also likely to be well informed about delicacies from different lands. You delight in talking about a new dish, which you might discover while reading a cookbook. But your knowledge of the culinary arts is likely to be theoretical. You may be too lazy to experiment yourself. And preparing all this exotic dishes can be quite time consuming.
The Choicest Meals
You manage to find eating houses that serve the choicest dishes, or you’ll know which of your friends cooks good food. If one is keen on sampling the best of wines and beverages, one should visit a Libran. You give yourself enough time to enjoy your food and drinks. You dislike buffets and quick snacks. You must have ample time to sit and savour your food. Those with a busy work schedule would rather skip meal than have it in a hurry. You have a weakness for fruit juice and buttermilk. Many Librans just love to live on fresh fruits and milk. No wonder they have radiant skin. The heavy intake of liquids, which includes endless cup of tea and coffee, keeps them active. You like food that is not only cooked properly but also served well. Your aesthetic nature makes you a fussy eater. You’ll never visit an unkempt eating establishment howsoever celebrated it may be for the quality of food it serves. You are quite fond of pastries and cakes. A sweet dish is a must on your menu. Your sweet tooth could lead to troubles like colitis etc. causing depletion of energy. And this also makes it difficult for you to stick to a diet. Women born under this sign are figure conscious. No doubt you take physical exercise but you have the tendency to neglect food and sleep. Librans are known for keeping late nights. While exercising, you concentrate on your waistline. So most Libran women have fine sparkling faces and narrow waists. Try to lead a balanced life. Excess in anything is bad. This cannot be truer than in your case. For if you are told that a particular thing is good for your health, you’ll make sure to have it everyday. Even in your likes and dislikes you go to extremes. When fond of pastries and dry-fruits, you get addicted to these. And as far as alcohol is concerned you never stick to any measures. Eat fresh fruit for breakfast, drink buttermilk or fresh juice for lunch, and for dinner, have a protein-rich meal. It has been observed in your case, that when in love and secure, you keep healthier and happier.
The fruity way to fitness
YOU are extremely active and generally healthy. Very weight conscious, Scorpions are rarely fat. Females born under this sign are slim and energetic. If somehow they do put on weight, it could be because of some internal health problem. Men born under this sign are heavy built, but their bulks do not stop or hinder them from following a vigorous physical discipline. Food is not very important to you. No doubt you relish sweets and drinks, but are generally moderate in your habit. You slog a lot and therefore burn up energy faster. Despite this you don’t eat much, consequently most of you have a slim waistline. Scorpio-women are proud of their flat tummies. Scorpio governs the bladder and the generative organs. In women, this sign also rules the womb and the ovaries. Any affliction to Scorpio in your individual birth-chart could indicate troubles like stones in the bladder, venereal disease, or enlargement of the prostrate gland. Excessive indulgence in sex or drinking should be avoided. You can engage yourself in such a delightful pastime, as eating pastries, having ill effects on your health. It has been noticed that Scorpio-women are fonder of eating than males born under this sign. It is perhaps because women are more conscious of their health. Naturally, after taking vigorous exercise you do need enough replenishment to keep yourself fit. Scorpio-women, who do not follow a career, devote most of their time in health care, with remarkable results. They generally come into their prime around 28, and manage to look as good even after they cross 40.
Always so cool
You have a very positive attitude to life and living, and this helps a lot in keeping you healthy and sprightly. You rarely let external circumstances interfere with your emotional make-up. It has been noticed that in times of emergency you not only manage to keep your cool but continue to eat and sleep as per your regular schedule. And whenever you are stuck with any health problem you are prompt in taking remedial measures. You dislike being sick. Prolonged illness may cause quite an emotional turmoil with you.
Perhaps it is the awareness of your own weaknesses, which makes you all the more careful. It is generally said of Scorpio persons that they stay healthy by sheer force of will power.
In your case, health and mind are very strongly linked. As long as you remain cheerful and happy you’ll remain happy. Those of you who do well in your career generally have unfailing energy. The less successful are prone to frequent health disturbances. Keeping these factors in mind you can plan an active routine and a well balanced diet to keep you strong and healthy. Conforming to a balanced diet may not be much of a problem for you. But at work you tend to suffer from worries and tensions, which play havoc with your health. Have a proper breakfast. Eggs and milk suit your constitution well. If possible have some fresh fruits first thing in the morning. Have a full meal at lunchtime. Never skip lunch. If you think you can live on tea and coffee or just fruit juice you are mistaken. Your body needs proper nourishment, which means three meals a day in your case. Have a protein rich dinner. As such you do love rich foods and can be quite a gourmet when it comes to eating. You can safely indulge yourself provided you make it a point to take regular exercise. The day you stop your physical training, you’ll put on weight. Coming back to your diet, fruits are necessary for you. If possible have fresh fruits for dessert. After dinner liqueurs should be avoided. Even a cup of coffee before retiring for the night could cause disturbed sleep. Drink plenty of water at bedtime, and you’ll have a restful night..
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